‘Terrifying’: How a single line of computer code put thousands of innocent Turks in jail

Source:CBC News Date:22Jan2018

A heart-breaking story of how Gulenists still plot against the Turkish society and how ruthless and blind the  anit-Gulen crackdown has become. A must read for those who wish to understand the

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Syria regime capture key Idlib airbase

Source:The New Arab Date:22Jan2018

As Turkey reinserts itself into the Syrian game with the bold Operation Olive Branch in Afrin, next door Assad won a major victory by: The Syrian regime announced Sunday it had captured the vital

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A Sea Change for Turkey in Europe

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:22Jan2018

Proliferating policy disagreemtns, led by Syria compelled Ankara to seek ways to mend its broken relationship with EU. While hig-levle state visits look good “optically”, former

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Tens of billions of dollars is likely U.S. gambit in talks over Halkbank

Source:Ahval News Date:20Jan2018

All I can say is a startled WOOOW. You got to read this article and then pray it is just hearsay–for the sake of Turkey.

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The next Kurdish war is on the horizon

Source:The Independent Date:19Jan2018

The consummate Middle East expert  Robert Fisk has divined the future. The Syrian War will last another 10 years:  Syria cannot countenance Kurdish presence on its territory and Turkey cannot

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Turkey’s religious authority surrenders to political Islam

Source:The Economist Date:19Jan2018

Diyanet has a knack for odd and outrageous pronouncements. The body had already made it known that celebrating the new year, playing the lottery, feeding dogs at home, and purchasing Bitcoin were

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Are U.S. and Turkey Headed on a Collision Course?

Source:Cipher Brief Date:19Jan2018

Although the U.S. and Turkey engage in robust cooperation on the political, military, and economic fronts, Ankara has experienced significant changes under the leadership of Turkish President

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Everything you need to know about Canal Istanbul

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:17Jan2018

Erdogan’s crazy project of digging a trench across Istanbul peninsula as an alternative to  Bosphours Straits is now a reality. Excavation will commence in 2018.   Context and

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Turkey warned of judicial crisis over jailed journalists

Source:Financial Times Date:17Jan2018

Another round of applause goes to Mrs Pitel of FT for bringing to light just how much reputational and financial damage Turkey could suffer as a result of lower courts disobeying Constitutuional

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Turkey’s Abdullah Gül discovers political spine, maybe

Source:Politico Date:17Jan2018

My and Turks’ gratitude goes to Ms Zia Weise for covering the story of former President Gul, who  dared to challenge Erdogan’s authoritarian streak and got lynched for his crime. 

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