Turkey and the EU: time for plan B?

Source:AFP Date:15Jan2018

I added this to my “portfolio”, because it a short and succinct summary of Turkey’s current diplomatic troubles.  Worth a read for any Turkey beginner.

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Turkey plans assault on Kurdish enclave in Syria

Source:The Guardian Date:15Jan2018

Wow..As if we don’t have enough troubles at home or in the economy. Turkey’s president has said the country will launch a military assault on a Kurdish enclave in northern Syria “in the

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U.S.-led coalition helps to build new Syrian force, angering Turkey

Source:Reuter's Date:15Jan2018

The U.S.-led coalition is working with its Syrian militia allies to set up a new border force of 30,000 personnel, the coalition said on Sunday, a move that has added to Turkish anger over U.S.

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Turkey’s message to Tehran and Moscow

Source:The Jordan Times Date:12Jan2018

Russia, Iran and Turkey are supposed to be the guarantors of last year’s accord but Moscow and Tehran appear bent on reneging on their role to de-escalate fighting in the area, home to

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The Only Thing Turkey and the U.S. Can Agree On

Source:New York Times Date:12Jan2018

Relations between the United States and Turkey are already strained over issues from Washington’s support for Kurdish fighters in Syria to Turkey’s arrest of American citizens and State

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Turkey, the price of neoliberalism

Source:Osservatoria balcani e caucaso Date:12Jan2018

Very interesting and intellectually challenging read. The view of Erdogan’s Turkey from a workers’ rights   perspective.  Exposes AKP’s many dilemmas which contniue ot vex

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US maintains ‘unified Syria’ policy amid reports suggesting diplomatic recognition of SDF-held areas

Source:Daily Sabah Date:10Jan2018

This act could render Turket-US conflict permanent and irreconcilable: Former diplomats told Daily Sabah that they don’t expect a U.S. recognition of SDF-controlled areas anytime soon,

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Turkish forces take fire in Idlib

Source:al Monitor Date:10Jan2018

The looming question is whether Russia will lean on Turkey for having failed to keep its side of the deal to move its troops out of the approximately 2,000 square kilometers (1,200 miles) of

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A Rival Steps Up to Challenge Turkey’s President Erdogan

Source:New York Times Date:06Jan2018

A decent primer on the chairwoman of Good Party, Mrs Meral Aksener, who is the only declared rival to Mr Erdogan in the upcoming presidential race.   Can she beat him?  The answer is no

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Turkey’s Erdogan threatens to cut ties with US over jailing of banker

Source:The Independent Date:06Jan2018

A US court convicted a Turkish banker on Wednesday following a trial that included testimony of corruption by top Turkish officials. In his first public comments on the verdict, Mr Erdogan cast

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