Turkey to conduct joint operation with Russia against Kurdish forces

Source:AMN Date:13Dec2017

Pro-AKP press claims Ankara agreed with Russia for Turkish Forces to move into Kurdish canton of Afrin.   “Threats for Turkey are coming from Afrin. We may enter this region without a

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No Turkish President Had Gone to Greece in 65 Years. So Why Now?

Source:New York Times Date:09Dec2017

“Mr. Erdogan needs a P.R. success story to break Turkey’s diplomatic isolation. He needs a photo opportunity with a country that is a member of NATO and the European Union,” Thanos Dokos, the

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How the world press covers Hakan Atilla (Reza Zarrab) trial

Source:Bloomberg Date:09Dec2017

According to Reuter’s “People are expecting a more benign outcome for that (U.S. trial) story and that is part of the reason for the lira’s resilience,” said Societe Generale analyst Regis

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With Daesh Defeated, Syrian Army Likely to Liberate Idlib and Damascus

Source:Sputnik News Date:07Dec2017

Sputnik reports that Assad intends to take back  Idlib Province, currently a de-escalation zone, as a compromise is likely to be reached with pro-PKK   PYD-YPG.  This plan preempts Ankara’s

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Niceties aside, Greece and Turkey take the gloves off for Erdogan visit

Source:Reuter's Date:07Dec2017

Greece and Turkey squared up to each other over old disputes on Thursday during a state visit by Tayyip Erdogan to Athens, the first such by a Turkish head of state in 65 years and one which

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Turkey probes opposition chief accused of insulting Erdogan

Source:Business Recorder Date:07Dec2017

The day before the treason trial of HDP leader Mr Demirtas took start, Ankara DA’s office began investigating main opposition leader Mr Kilicdaroglu for defaming President Erdogan.  When

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Are Turkey and Europe seeking a new kind of relationship?

Source:al Monitor Date:06Dec2017

My interpretation:  Afraid of American sanctions, Ankara tries to keep the EU door open:  Ankara has also reportedly worked out a new roadmap to speed up visa liberalization for Turks traveling

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Ankara prepares new roadmap for visa-free travel to Europe

Source:Arab News Date:05Dec2017

With a newly announced roadmap that outlines the technical steps that Turkey will take for meeting EU criteria on the visa liberalization agreement, Ankara is showing its renewed commitment to

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Conspiracy or Not, Turkey’s Ties to West Are at Risk

Source:Bloomberg Date:05Dec2017

According to an October survey by Istanbul Economics, a consultancy, more than two thirds of Turks think the alliance with the U.S. and Europe is already breaking, that Turkey could manage its

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Turkey’s options in the Zarrab case

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:01Dec2017

Selin Nasi wrote  the best summary of the consequences of a guilty verdict  by Hakan Atilla trial jury.  For more comments on consequences, please click this link.

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