How will the Turkish-US visa crisis end?

Source:Daily SABAH Date:20Oct2017

White House officials expressed hope that the visa crisis with Turkey will be resolved soon, but this not   what the omnes say. First, I link an article by pro-AKP columnist Mr Burhanettin Duran,

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Turkey targets 30% hike in military spending next year

Source:al Monitor Date:19Oct2017

This article should be read with great interest by financial investors doing business in Turkey, who had so far paid no attention whatsoever  to the turmoil in Iraq and Syria.  In addition to the

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Erdogan’s diplomatic spats leave a trail of Turkish disputes

Source:Financial Times Date:19Oct2017

This FT article actually describes Turkey’s institutional collapse, as Erdogan “personalizes” power in the Palace and among non-elected advisors, whose division of labor is 

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What to do about Turkey?

Source:European Council on Foreign Relations Date:19Oct2017

Turkey will be on the menu as European leaders meet for dinner in Brussels on 19 October, but it won’t be a happy meal. Relations between the EU and Turkey have deteriorated sharply over the past

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SDF captures Syria’s Raqqa city from ISIL

Source:al Jazeera Date:17Oct2017

Destroyed and depopulated, Raqqa also faces an uncertain political future. The US and SDF have pledged to hand over the city to civilian rule, but the shape and political make-up of this civilian

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EU leaders prepare for Turkey showdown

Source:Financial Times Date:16Oct2017

Turkey risks losing more than €1bn in aid linked to its bid to join the EU, as member states prepare for a showdown over their deteriorating relationship with Ankara. A summit of the union’s

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After visa crisis comes Reza Zarrab scandal

Source:Voice of America Date:14Oct2017

There  is hope, and believe me, no more than that, that the mutual visa ban between USA and Turkey will be lifted soon. With neither side budging from its position,  I don’t see how, but

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Turkey and the US face the end of a promising partnership

Source:Financial Times Date:13Oct2017

This op-ed by a former Assistant Secretary of State describes very accurately how the American establishment feels about Ankara. It is not 100% objective, because it ignores Ankara’s

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First Turkish military convoy enters Syria’s Idlib

Source:Reuter's Date:13Oct2017

Thus, Turkey’s second adventure in Syria takes start. This one will take longer and cost more lives than Operation Euphrates Shield.   Pro-AKP press is quite open that the ultimate

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Fight to drive IS from Syria bastion Raqa nears end

Source:Yahoo! Date:10Oct2017

US-backed fighters say they are nearing the “final week” of their assault to drive the Islamic State group from its one-time Syrian bastion Raqa, as the jihadists’

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