Turkey, US keep finding ways to vex each other

Source:al Monitor Date:10Oct2017

This article explains  why it will not be easy to resolve the visa rift between Washington and Ankara.  Essentially,  the ongoing detentions of US Embassy personnel could be part of a broader

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Europe’s Top Rights Body Slams Turkey’s Emergency Decrees

Source:Voice of America Date:07Oct2017

The Council of Europe’s advisory body — known as the Venice Commission and made up of constitutional law experts — said it was “particularly worried” by the use of decrees to sack elected mayors

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Turkey poised to enter Idlip, sets eyes on Afrin

Source:Daily SABAH Date:07Oct2017

Turkish forces are reported to be ready to enter Syrian rebel province of  Idlip as part of a multi-national peace-keeping force, but according to pro-AKP daily SABAH, Ankara intends to isolate

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How to reset Turkey-Europe Relations

Source:European Council on Foreign Relations Date:05Oct2017

This op-ed by presidential advisor and spokesperson Mr. Ibrahim Kalin on how to reset EU-Turkey relations is sufficient proof that the rest will never happen, because Turkey fails to see the 

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US ‘Deeply Concerned’ by Arrest of Consulate Employee in Turkey

Source:Voice of America Date:05Oct2017

Turkish authorities launched yet another nationwide today, as reported by Anatolian Agency, which by my account spread to four cities by evening hours.   In the morning hours, police and spy

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Erdogan says Turkey will close Iraq border and air space soon

Source:Reuters Date:05Oct2017

Turkey’s president Erdogan issued the most specific sanctions threats to Iraqi Kurds but follow-through would be problematic, because Turkish exports and oil refineries might be hurt.

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After Threat of War, Iraq and Kurds Lower the Temperature

Source:New York Times Date:04Oct2017

Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci told journalists over the weekend that it would be “business as usual.” In comments last week he described talk of an economic embargo as “dangerous rhetoric” and

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Oil price more than Qatar hurts Gulf capital inflows to Turkey

Source:Financial Times Date:04Oct2017

Very interesting, data-driven article examining whether Turkey’s alliance  with Qatar is hurting economic ties with the Arab Quartet. The good news is that so far it hasn’t, but….

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Turkey’s Incursion Into Syria: Making Things Better or Worse?

Source:Council on Foreign Relations Date:04Oct2017

Famous Middle East expert Steven A. Cook explores why Turkey is about to move into the chaotic   Syrian  rebel province of Idlip and the consequences of  its failure to pacify it. Best article on

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Trump may have to sanction his Turkish president best buddy

Source:Washington Post Date:23Sep2017

Has the Trump-Erdogan summit stopped the detoriaration in the Turko-American relationship? Even pro-AKP Turkish commentators are skeptical.  WS claims the future of the relationship might be  in

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