Daesh exodus threatens Turkey and the region

Source:Arab News Date:16Sep2017

As Daesh loses territory in Syria and Iraq, the exodus of its militants and their families is expected to continue, posing serious challenges to Turkey and other countries in the region.

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OECD’s education report on Turkey

Source:OECD Date:14Sep2017

Turkey is still last among OECD nations in educational achievement. Educational attainment is still low in Turkey: 43% of 25-64 year-olds have only achieved primary education as their highest

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Turkey’s nightmare: Brain drain

Source:Hürriyet Daily News Date:14Sep2017

It is time to admit that this government and its policies have lost their sparkle. Impressive economic growth numbers and stock exchange figures amount to nothing for young graduates and

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Turkey’s Erdogan slams US over ex-minister’s indictment

Source:ABC News Date:08Sep2017

Another day, another diplomatic row in Turkey. This time the target of President  Erdogan’s wrath is America, where  New York prosecutors indicted ex-Economy Minister Mr Zafer Caglayan on

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US, Iraq sanction Mosul finance emir believed to be in Turkey

Source:Rudaw Date:05Sep2017

It (US Treasury) added: “As of mid-2016, he was responsible for selling crude oil that ISIS extracted from oil fields in Iraq and Syria.  As of early 2017, Mansur was an ISIS finance emir for

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Turkey rift: German politicans demand economic pressure

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:30Aug2017

Top German lawmakers have urged the EU to halt aid payments to Turkey and halt talks on a new customs union deal. The calls come as Berlin has revealed details of another German national detained

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Source:Newsweek Date:30Aug2017

The belligerent Syrian fighters were not identified, but they were believed to have been part of a Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army group opposed to ISIS, the Syrian military and the mostly Kurdish

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Chill in Relations Puts Much at Stake for Turks and Germans

Source:New York Times Date:26Aug2017

After weeks of acrimonious sniping, the question forcing itself on both sides seems to be just how far can things deteriorate before hard consequences for all become unavoidable.

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Iraq war: Why the battle for Tal Afar matters

Source:BBC news Date:26Aug2017

This is an important analysis which sheds light on the explosion of violence that is likely to take place once ISIS is pushed out of Iraq.  The vacuum needs to be filled, but by whom and how?

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Iran vs. Turkey: The Mideast’s Perpetual Rivalry

Source:The Allgemeiner Date:26Aug2017

An insightful piece on the age-old regional rivalry between Turkey and Iran.  Its conclusion is enlightening:  Tehran and Ankara will probably soon turn against each other — and, with renewed

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