Turkey’s S-400 Dilemma

Source:EDAM Date:02Aug2017

Excellent research by EDAM think tank on  the operational capacity, shortcomings and politics of S-400 anti-missile systems Turkey intends to buy from Russia.

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Race to the sea: Qatar and the balance of power in the Middle East

Source:Open Democracy Date:02Aug2017

How will the Qatari Crisis end? What are regional ramifications?  The likely winners are Iran and Russia.

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Germany’s patience with Erdogan may be running out

Source:al Monitor Date:02Aug2017

Matters also took another serious turn for Turkey with the revelation that Berlin wants the European Commission to suspend work on updating the EU-Turkey Customs Union. Berlin says continuing

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Four challenges for Turkey in the near future

Source:Daily SABAH Date:29Jul2017

The pro-government view of the future: It would appear that there are certain governments that simply do not want the Turks to leave behind the period of turmoil that began in 2013. As a matter

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Turkey’s latest trial of journalists is surreal even by its own standards

Source:The Economist Date:29Jul2017

The Economist covers the trial of Cumhuriyet staff:  “Absurdly, the journalists are accused of abetting the Gulen movement, the very group many of them helped expose”.

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Turkey’s pervasive president may be wearing out his welcome

Source:al Monitor Date:29Jul2017

While I wouldn’t consider this article “unbiased”  it does review the evidence  for Erdogan’s  loss of support and the reasons behind it very well.  It is worth a read.

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Turkey Hoping for Easing of Russian Sanctions With Missile Deal

Source:Voice of America Date:27Jul2017

Ankara’s NATO partners have voiced concern about the compatibility of the Russian system with its technology, along with fears that Moscow could use the S-400 as a Trojan horse to compromise NATO

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Tensions Escalate Between Germany and Turkey

Source:Wall Street Journal Date:27Jul2017

We have predicted with 75 odds that the conflict between Turkey and Germany will mutate into a crisis which will involve some type of sanctions.  The trend seems to bear out our analysis, as this

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Brussels talks fail to ease EU-Turkey tensions

Source:Financial Times Date:26Jul2017

The meeting between Federica Mogherini, EU foreign policy chief, Johannes Hahn, European commissioner in charge of Turkey’s stalled EU membership bid, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Turkish foreign minister,

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Turkey’s Erdogan Ends Tour With No SIgn of Qatar Progress

Source:Newsweek Date:26Jul2017

Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan left Qatar on Monday after two days in the Gulf trying to mediate in the worst row among Arab states for years but there was no sign he had made any progress.

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