Turkey Sees Foes at Work in Gold Mines, Cafes and ‘Smurf Village’

Source:New York Times Date:23Jul2017

Don’t let the title fool you, this is rather balanced article about Gulen, his   disciples, the post-coup crackdown and its victims or perpetrators. A lot depends on your viewpoint in Turkey.

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The West regresses, the East rises, Turkey strengthens, the fight intensifies

Source:Yeni Safak Date:23Jul2017

For Westerners it is very important to understand the mind-set which feeds the decision making process in the AKP government. The article by editor-in-chief of conservative daily Yeni Safak (New

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Turkey’s Alevis, a Muslim Minority, Fear a Policy of Denying Their Existence

Source:New York Times Date:23Jul2017

NYT should be applauded for bringing  the plight of Turkey’s “other” and forgotten minority, the Alevites, to the limelight. Probably as numerous as the Kurds, staunchly secular

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Reality is warped in Turkey. We may never get it back

Source:The Guardian Date:22Jul2017

All I can say about this op-ed by Ms Ece Temelkuran is “exactly my opinion”.  The machine is broken and it may never be repaired.

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Spotlight: Turkey to launch military operation against Kurds in northern Syria

Source:XinhuaNet Date:22Jul2017

Action against Afrin is not imminent, but  a strong possibility in the future. Ankara is extremely disturbed by widening  PKK terror and Syrian Kurdish state-building exercises.

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Qatar: How Much Will Blockading Countries Push?

Source:STRATFOR Date:22Jul2017

Turkey won’t be able to bring about a resolution to the current crisis, but Erdogan’s visit helps reinforce that Qatar has powerful allies backing it up, another factor that will

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How US-Turkey relations have gone from bad to worse

Source:The Hill Date:22Jul2017

One year after the failed coup attempt of July 15, Turkish relations with the U.S. have gone from uneasy and challenging to difficult and strained; a return to the halcyon days of warm relations

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Turkey’s PKK Conflict Kills almost 3,000 in Two Years

Source:International Crisis Group Date:21Jul2017

International Crisis Group  just published an update on PKK terror in Turkey.  Its grim conclusions must be read carefully. The “Kurdish problem”, now encompassing Syria will not go

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Germany overhauls Turkey policy

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:21Jul2017

In Turkey a new dawn always brings a fresh crisis. Germany is sharpening its policy toward Turkey in response to jailings of journalists and human rights activists. The new tone together with an

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Germany says EU aid to Turkey could be halted over arrests

Source:Reuters Date:19Jul2017

For anyone who expected improvement  in Turko-EU relations, the dream is over. In fact, continued arrests of human rights activists  could trigger a new Syrian refugee crisis. How?  Read on.

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