Turkey One Year After the Failed Coup

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:11Jul2017

Experienced diplomat Marc Pierini’s assessment of Turkey one year after the coup is damning but realistic:  Democracy is dead and AKP has created a bigger crisis than the coup itself.  Can

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Iran, Russia may hand over Afrin to Turkey ‘in exchange for concessions’

Source:Daily SABAH Date:11Jul2017

Ankara has been threatening to march on to Kurdish canton of Afrin, but as pro-government daily SABAH reports, receives no support from  other actors in the theatre. It may have to make

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What Comes After ISIS?

Source:Yahoo! Date:11Jul2017

The answer to this question is vital to Turkey, which is facing existential threats to  her unity and stability from regional actors like Assad, PYD-YPG and Shia militia. The experts don’t

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A Long March for Justice in Turkey

Source:New York Times Date:08Jul2017

CHP leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu lists his demands for a democratic and free Turkey.

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Insights into Turkish Domestic and International Politics

Source:STRATFOR Date:07Jul2017

A detailed summary of main  political and economic issues about Turkey by STRATFOR. A must read for Turkey beginners.

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Turkish opposition’s long march against Erdoğan

Source:Politico Date:07Jul2017

It is too early too say whether CHP leader  Mr Kemal  Kilicdaroglu’s long march would his party any votes, but he certainly captured the imagination  of the nation, as well as improving the

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Possibility of new Turkish intervention in Western Syria

Source:Reuter's Date:07Jul2017

Turkish  media already details  the plans of a military incursion into the Syrian-Kurdish canton of Afrin,  with the aid of some Kurdish tribes and Free Syrian Army brigades. A Turko-Russian

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Qatar becoming another diplomatic debacle for Turkey

Source:al Monitor Date:06Jul2017

I’ve  predicted from the day President Erdogan jumped head first into the Qatari Crisis that there is no winning scenario for Turkey. This article by reputable Turkish journalist Mr Semiz

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Turkey: MEPs raise the alarm on EU accession talks

Source:European Parliament News Date:06Jul2017

Turkey’s EU accession talks should be suspended if proposed changes to the constitution go ahead, as these go against EU membership criteria, warned MEPs on Thursday.

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Turkey police hold rights activists including Amnesty chief

Source:BBC news Date:06Jul2017

Turkey’s battle against “terror” reaches the level of paranoia as 12 human rights activists are arrested and  reportedly accused of spying. It is sad to report that Turkey now

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