Turkey’s military presence may complicate Qatar solution

Source:RFI Date:09Jun2017

Ankara stepped in at Qatar’s side in the Gulf dispute, while pro-AKP press contends that   if Qatar capitulates,  Turkey will be next in line to come under pressure.

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Turkey’s Impossible Benchmark: The 15 Percent Return on Deposits

Source:Bloomberg Date:07Jun2017

How Turkey’s  credit frenzy is killing the private pension system and growth…sad.

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Turkey arrests Amnesty International head and lawyers in Gulenist sweep

Source:The Guardian Date:07Jun2017

Turkey excels at  shooting itself at the foot.  Yet another blow to our reputation as a democracy.

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Kurdish cantons in northern Syria already linked

Source:al Monitor Date:06Jun2017

According to Kurdish sources, Turkey’s biggest fear in Syria has already materialized, with Assad’s blessing.

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Germany Says Will Avoid Escalation of Turkey Row During Troop Pullout

Source:US News World Report Date:06Jun2017

The forgotten  topic amidst Turkey-Germany Incirlik row:  What happens to the enlarged Customs Union?

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Gulf crisis: Can Turkey save Qatar?

Source:Middle East Eye Date:05Jun2017

Turkey’s attempt to become a Middle Eastern power and replenish its waning economic strength by drawing in Arab investment was dealt another blow as several Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia

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Germany to move troops fighting Isil from Turkey air bases, as diplomatic row escalates

Source:The Telegraph Date:05Jun2017

I’ve always taken news of a thaw in Turkey-EU relations with a grain of salt, which is proven prescient after Germany decided to withdraw from Incirlik  Airbase.

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Taking advantage of Turkey’s state of emergency

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:05Jun2017

This article illustrates the growing informant culture in Turkey, as well how a sense of injustice  spreads rapidly through the society  as a result of Gulenist purge.

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Turkey’s influence network in Europe is leading to tension

Source:Global Risk Insights Date:04Jun2017

A comprehensive  report on alleged spying  activities of Turkey in EU.

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Iraq’s Iran-backed militias propose entering Syria to back Assad

Source:The New Arab Date:04Jun2017

This is will hugely aggravate Turkey, as well as changing the dynamics of the Syrian War. Is a Shia Crescent in the making? How will Hashdi Shaabi and PYD-YPG get along?

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