America, Turkey and Iran Could Be Headed Toward a Showdown

Source:The National Interest Date:08May2017

This is an interesting article which suggests American involvement in the Middle East will not end with the defeat of ISIS. It also explores the tri-lateral tensions among U.S., Iran and Turkey,

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Trump to Tell Turkey: We’re Going to Take Raqqa With the Kurds

Source:Foreign Policy blog Date:06May2017

Ahead of the very critical Trump-Erdogan summit, this is probably the most talked-about article in the Turkish social media.   It provides answers to whether Turkey will play a role in the

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The real reason behind Turkey’s skyrocketing welfare spending

Source:Al Monitor Date:06May2017

This article cites the phenomenal increase in Turkey’s welfare spending and the surprising results:   Despite soaring per capital GDP, the number of recipients rose, as well. The author reaches

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What Will Erdogan Do With Supreme Power?

Source:Eurasia review Date:29Apr2017

Turkey observers want to know how Erdogan would reshape Turkey after he was granted Sultan-like Powers. This article falls short of the promise but still provides important clues to his potential

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Rethinking Europe’s relationship with Turkey

Source:EUobserver Date:29Apr2017

Thanks to Germany, Turkey’s accession to EU was kept alive—but on life support. It appears that there is support for engaging Turkey despite Nazi accusations, but also the search for a new model

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Turkey: Neither Enemy Nor Ally

Source:Commentary Magazine Date:28Apr2017

Turkey’s raids on PKK and YPG outposts in Iraq and Syria, which in our view are defensive and legitimate, are causing new rifts with U.S. and Russia.  Some claim Ankara is using these raids to

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France, Germany Want New Turkey Ties but Dodge EU Membership

Source:US News and World Report Date:28Apr2017

The spirit of Turkish accession is dead, but the illusion lives on.  Foreign Ministers left it up to Turkey to decide what it wants to do with EU. There was no sign that a visa waiver will be

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Lawmakers say Flynn did not disclose lobbying and payments from Turkey and Russia

Source:LA Times Date:26Apr2017

This is the story that is making opposition headlines in Turkey. According to opposition websites, former National Security Advisor Flynn received cash from Turkish lobbying entities, which were

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Turkey issues warrants for 3224 people

Source:9news Date:26Apr2017

Turkey’s Gulenist purge shows no end of abating:  Many hope that AKP will lift the State of Emergency by the end of July. This is unrealistic, because Ankara’s zest in “cleansing”  presumed

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In the AKP community, the “secret pro-NO people” scuffle continues

Source:Washington Hattı Date:24Apr2017

The close vote in Turkey’s referendum triggered large dormant faultlines within AKP.  The official party line is “a win is win”, but the punditry recognizes the power is gradually slipping away

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