Turkey-US relations head towards point of no-return

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:20Dec2018

If this tension continues to increase and is not taken under control, despite the telephone call made between Erdoğan and U.S. President Donald Trump last week, a break that could surpass the

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The Rise and Fall of Turkish Soft Power

Source:MDC Date:17Dec2018

A succint analysis of how Turkey went from the darling of West to bad  boy:   Nonetheless, Turkey’s period of experimentation with soft power was rather short lived, as was its appeal to

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For 3rd straight year, Turkey jailed more journalists than any other country: Report

Source:ABC News Date:14Dec2018

According to the global press freedom watchdog’s Annual Prison Census, 251 journalists are currently in jails around the world as of Dec. 1 for charges related to their work — 68 in

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A Flood of Refugees Tests Turkey’s Tolerance

Source:Bloomberg Date:13Dec2018

An economic decline that makes what few jobs there are harder to come by and erodes the spending power of those who are in work is fanning anger at government policy under President Recep Tayyip

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Turkey’s trigger finger grows itchy over US-Kurd relations

Source:al Monitor Date:21Nov2018

At the moment, however, Turkey’s best commando, armor and special forces elements are engaged in numerous operations: inside Turkey, in northern Iraq, in the northwest Syrian territory it

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Poll Shows 41 Pct Support for Erdogan’s AK Party, 25 Pct for Opposition

Source:The Globe Post Date:18Nov2018

We cover polls in our Weekly Reports.  This very detailed Metropoll  survey of attitudes is actually bad news for AKP, because there is no guarantee that undecideds will choose the party on

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EU calls on Turkey to release 13 people arrested for links to Gezi Park protests

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:17Nov2018

Kavala, Anatolia Culture Association’s chairman, was arrested more than a year ago but has not yet been charged with any crime. He is accused of working with foreigners in a 2016 failed

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Fake news in Turkey: Hunting for truth in land of conspiracy

Source:BBC news Date:15Nov2018

This is a great story by BBC which incidentally explains why independent  research outfits like us have such a difficult time finding the truth and then   swetaing to convince our clients that

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Turkish economic slump raises election fears for Erdogan

Source:Financial Times Date:12Nov2018

Up for grabs are the mayors’ offices and elected councils across Turkey’s 81 provinces. The most important contests are in Ankara, the capital, and Istanbul, Turkey’s biggest urban centre, where

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Factbox: Greece’s territorial waters and Turkey


A Greek view on  the territorial waters dispute in the Aegean Sea.  Mostly impartial.   Why is Turkey taking issue with Greece’s maritime border expansion? A decision to extend Greek

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