Will Erdogan’s power take hit after losing his biggest political ally?

Source:Middle East Eye Date:25Oct2018

Doesn’t answer the question, but good background on AKP-MHP alliance   Turkish president’s AK Party has lost its ultranationalist ally, the MHP, amid disputes ahead of upcoming local

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Ultra-nationalists shake Turkey’s Erdogan by calling off alliance

Source:Middle East Eye Date:24Oct2018

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s AKP Party were shaken on Tuesday after the sudden announcement that their ultra-nationalist coalition partners were calling off an electoral

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Turkey’s All-Out Diplomacy

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:24Oct2018

Marc Pierini calls the spade a spade, by reminding Ankara that foreign policy successes will not substitue for sound economic management:   The first is that Turkey’s economy is on a cliff

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Erdoğan vows broadening rights, freedoms

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:22Oct2018

We keep our fingers crossed, but this is what he said:  “We will continue to work on expanding rights and freedoms, as well as improving democracy, although some people have made a habit of

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AKP to suffer greatest loss in Turkey’s 2019 local elections, says pollster

Source:Ahval News Date:21Oct2018

Turkey’s leading Justice and Development Party (AKP) will continue to lose voters to ally far-right nationalist Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and the main opposition Republican People’s Party

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ANALYSIS: Will US grant waivers to Turkey for Iran sanctions?

Source:PA Intelligence Date:20Oct2018

After Secretary of State Mike Pompeo hinted that some sanctions  on Turkey will be lifted, the focus of the Turko-American tension shifted  to the most immediate dispute, namely compliance with

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Turkey-Greece ties face new round of tension over reserves in Mediterranean

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:20Oct2018

Ties between Turkey and Greece are facing a new source of tension on military terms, this time due to natural reserves in the Mediterranean Sea. Turkish Naval Forces have interdicted a Greek

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Trade Minister: The real Turkish economy is proving analysts wrong | View

Source:Euronews Date:17Oct2018

Every voice, even those of Trade Ministers need to be heard:   By Ruhsar Pekcan To the bewilderment of many analysts, data released this month has revealed that Turkey’s “real”

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Moscow, Ankara say Syria buffer going ahead despite missed deadline

Source:Yahoo News Date:17Oct2018

As I claimed all along–Russia doesn’t  want to lose Turkey, will not countenance Assad attack on Idlib   Neither Turkey nor Russia seemed fazed by the apparent breach of the plan

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Turkey in danger of becoming a pariah state over rights record

Source:Ahval News Date:16Oct2018

“For the last two years, the Committee to Protect Journalists has ranked Turkey as the world’s leading jailer of journalists. In October 2016, following a failed military coup that summer,

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