Pastor Brunson is free. But the West still needs a policy on Erdogan’s hostages

Source:Washington Post Date:16Oct2018

Erdogan’s hostage diplomacy is a result of Turkey’s drift away from the transatlantic alliance and its values. But ending the hostage diplomacy requires only the strong resolve of Turkey’s NATO

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One step forward, several steps back in Turkey

Source:Financial Times Date:15Oct2018

A good review of what annoys investors about Turkey’s policy direction On Friday, a Turkish judge released Andrew Brunson, the US pastor at the centre of President Trump’s stand-off

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With Brunson out of jail, US-Turkey relations still face two major hurdles

Source:Middle East Eye Date:13Oct2018

Turkey and US:  The bluster and reality on the field:   A Turkish security official told MEE that, in the short term, there are no plans for any operations in the area, where around 2,000 US

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Trump reduces rhetoric about Turkey

Source:Ahval News Date:10Oct2018

An interesting article on what Trump thinks about Turkey.  I agree on the importance of “being on the same page vis-a-vis Iran”   For now, Trump appears to have decided that

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Turkey’s place in the global league of science

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:08Oct2018

The answer to the question of why Turkey would never become a hig-tech society.   Yet, Erdoğan has confessed there is a problem in the “quantity/quality issue.” “I believe we have to focus

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Erdogan Toughens Stance as Cyprus Faces Permanent Partition

Source:Voice of America Date:07Oct2018

“Not to reduce the military presence but to increase it, is showing muscles. Turkey is going back to the policy of the 1990s,” Bagci said. “That is a policy of showing military

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Will Iran, Turkey jointly confront US influence east of the Euphrates?

Source:al Monitor Date:06Oct2018

As such, the latest phase of Iran’s policy in Syria is premised on Turkey’s shrinking choices in the north of the war-torn country. Ankara’s fears of mounting Kurdish power in SDF-held areas are

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Farewell, Mr Testicle: Turkey helps citizens ditch embarrassing names

Source:The Guardian Date:05Oct2018

It is very rare to find humorus articles about Turkey. This ranks among the best.     Generations later, the trend persists. Rahmi is a name derived from the word for “merciful” but can

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Erdoğan calls on party to gear up for local polls

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:03Oct2018

Erdogan alrady worried about local elections   “The local elections that will be held in March [2019] are important for us to take actions in the upcoming five years in Turkey in a pace we

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Turkey faces tough choices on the US, Syria and EU

Source:Financial Times Date:03Oct2018

But as Mr Erdogan juggles his geopolitical (and economic) options, his one-man rule is getting rickety. The almighty president has rid himself of everybody who might know which levers to pull:

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