Turkey’s $200 Billion Wealth Fund Paralyzed by Internal Strife

Source:Bloomberg Date:08Sep2017

Two days after Bloomberg’s ground-breaking story on internal strife in Turkey’s pride-and-glory  Sovereign Wealth Fund, CEO Mehmet Bostan was dismissed amidst accusations of poor

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Turkey rift: German politicans demand economic pressure

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:30Aug2017

Top German lawmakers have urged the EU to halt aid payments to Turkey and halt talks on a new customs union deal. The calls come as Berlin has revealed details of another German national detained

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Germany’s patience with Erdogan may be running out

Source:al Monitor Date:02Aug2017

Matters also took another serious turn for Turkey with the revelation that Berlin wants the European Commission to suspend work on updating the EU-Turkey Customs Union. Berlin says continuing

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Tensions Escalate Between Germany and Turkey

Source:Wall Street Journal Date:27Jul2017

We have predicted with 75 odds that the conflict between Turkey and Germany will mutate into a crisis which will involve some type of sanctions.  The trend seems to bear out our analysis, as this

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Turkey’s Erdogan Expected to Streamline Economic Team: Sources

Source:US News World Report Date:18May2017

Erdogan’s acceptance speech on Sunday to set course for Turkey:  Erdogan will certainly be crowned as AKP chief on Sunday, when he is expected to make a major policy speech. This article

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Worsening Budget Puts Turkey Treasury on Borrowing Spree: Charts

Source:Bloomberg Date:09May2017

I laugh when investment banking reports still claim that fiscal anchor is the pillar of Turkish stability.  It isn’t. The Ministry of Finance continues to spend even after the so-called

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Turkey plans to let banks securitise loans to spur growth

Source:Gulf News Date:08May2017

It is amazing how ill-informed financial media can be at times. This article heralds securitization of Turkish bank loans as a “new thing”, which has been going on for 10 years. Neither is it a

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Trouble in Paradise


Our close friend and an excellent equity analyst Mr. Ercan Uysal wrote a piece on Turkish debt problem in my English language website PA Intelligence. The preface says: Turkish corporate profits

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