Presidential and parliamentary elections in Türkiye: statement by the PACE pre-electoral delegation

Source:PACE Date:14Apr2023

The presidential and parliamentary elections on 14 May will take place in the year celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Republic. The delegation acknowledges that these elections will provide

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Gonul Tol: Erdoğan’s authoritarian bargain collapses in Turkey

Source:Financial Times Date:04Apr2023

A very unique contrubution regarding Western complicity in Erdogan’s chokehold on power Still, beating an autocrat in elections that are neither free nor fair is not easy. Compounding the

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Ian Bremmer: Erdogan’s Political Reign Has Never Been on Shakier Footing

Source:TIME Date:02Apr2023

To have a shot at beating Erdogan, Kilicdaroglu needs to win over the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) and its left-wing Labor and Freedom Alliance—the election’s kingmakers—without

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Ahead of a critical election Turkey’s economy is running on borrowed time

Source:The Economist Date:27Mar2023

The poor state of the economy, compounded by the impact of the earthquakes that killed over 50,000 people in the country’s south in early February, has darkened Mr Erdogan’s election prospects.

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Even Chances: Defining Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in Turkey

Source:al Jazeera center for studies Date:23Mar2023

If Erdogan and the AKP lose the election, the old class will return to power in a spirit of vengeance, armed with the legal and coercive tools of the state, which even Kilicdaroglu and his allies

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Turkey’s election — the Erdoğan vs Kılıçdaroğlu showdown

Source:EUObserver Date:21Mar2023

By ÖZGÜR ÜNLÜHISARCIKLI   Turks will choose a new parliament along with their president, and the parliamentary election’s outcome is relatively easy to predict. None of the alliances

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Asli Aydintasbas: Turkey’s opposition has a chance to beat Erdogan. It won’t be easy.

Source:Washington Post Date:12Mar2023

The Editor:  Extremely fair.  Very good assessment of risks for the Nation Alliance opposition   But defeating the president won’t be easy. Erdogan still holds many of the most important

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Earthquake could shake up Turkish election

Source:al Monitor Date:11Feb2023

And that means the fallout from the earthquake will be more problematic for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan than it is for his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad. Erdogan has been in power

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Erdogan’s political foes strive to join forces ahead of Turkey’s election in May

Source:al Arabiya Date:28Jan2023

Opponents of Erdogan, modern Turkey’s longest-serving ruler, are looking to stem what they see as a slide toward authoritarian one-man rule. The president has turned the once-ceremonial post into

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May 14 will determine the future of Turkey

Source:Global Voices Date:26Jan2023

Good explanation of the controversy surrounding Erdogan’s eligibility, as well as the lore of 73 years of free, if not fair elections in Turkey   This year marks the 100th year since

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