Why Erdogan’s Reelection Bid in Turkey Isn’t a Sure Bet

Source:Bloomberg Date:21Jan2023

Erdogan, who will turn 69 on Feb. 26, faces a vote over his increasingly authoritarian leadership after effectively shifting Turkey to an executive presidency with sweeping powers in 2018.

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Turkey Plans Return of a Million Syrians as Refugee Critics Grow

Source:Bloomberg Date:04May2022

The promise to return almost a quarter of Turkey’s roughly 3.7 million registered Syrian refugees comes as opposition parties attack the government’s immigration policy ahead of presidential and

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AKP vote share has fallen more than election results show

Source:al Monitor Date:20Jun2019

An international scholar who does excellent empirical work on Turkish  electoral dynamics talked to al Monitor   The national vote of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has

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Turkey’s democracy wakes up

Source:Brookings blog Date:25Apr2019

The fact that Erdogan has lost Ankara and Istanbul, after 25 years of de facto control of these two symbols of political and financial power, will give hope to a young generation of Turks who

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Istanbul setback means an unpredictable future for Erdogan

Source:Ahval News Date:22Apr2019

It may be safe to say that the YSK stood up to immense pressure from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) circles. YSK’s institutional wisdom may have been endorsed by other dynamics

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Have Turkey’s Elections Produced a Challenger to Erdogan? A resume of Ekrem Imamoglu

Source:Foreign Affairs Date:13Apr2019

Ayla Jean Ackley writes the first CV of the  man who delivered CHP its first major victory  in 16 years, mayor-soon-to-be-elect of Istanbul, Mr Ekrem Imamoglu   “Imamoglu doesn’t carry the

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Turkey at the Crossroads

Source:The Cipher Brief Date:12Apr2019

Turkey’s ruling AKP party is asking for a full recount in the mayoral election in Istanbul, making accusations of ‘wide-spread crimes.’ Defeats for the AKP in the nation-wide elections

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Why Turkey’s PKK Conflict Looms Larger than Ever in Local Election Aftermath

Source:Foreign Policy Research Institute Date:10Apr2019

Faced with a sweeping political rebuke, however, Erdogan’s party has found a silver lining in Turkey’s majority Kurdish southeast. There, it has touted unexpected victories as evidence that the

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Erdogan accuses US, Europe of ‘meddling’ after Turkey vote


There would be a calamity  of Biblical proportions, if  Erdogan pressures election authorities to cancel or renew elections.   While all of AKP’s appeals are heard, how about pro-Kurdish

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Congress observer delegation calls on Turkey to seize the opportunity of local elections to continue normalisation and enhance local democracy

Source:Council of Europe Date:01Apr2019

“However, sound election administration and technical skills implementing the law are only parts of the overall picture that makes up the assessment of elections,” underlined the Head of

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