Turkish economic woes seen weighing on Erdogan party in elections

Source:Reuters Date:04Mar2019

AKP officials said polls carried out for the party show its support at 36.8-38 percent, with its nationalist MHP allies on 10.5-11 percent. In parliamentary elections last year, Erdogan’s party

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Turkey’s early elections: Dynamics and possible outcomes

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:26May2018

Deniz Zeyrek treats election results analytically, reaching  a startling conclusion: Still, there are two broad systemic conclusions that we can draw at this stage. First, the president and the

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Turkey, a Nation Stuck in Politicized, Primordial Worldviews

Source:Center for American Progress Date:22Feb2018

Fascinating and almost beyond belief! Turks view the world through a prism of ethnic identity and religion that defies economic interest, ideology and class struggle. What are we? In Turkey

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When a white tank top stirs political controversy

Source:PA Intelligence Date:05Sep2017

I wrote this article under a nickname for  my English language website PAIntelligence to  cover the strange affair of CHP leader Kilicdaroglu’s white tank top, which attracted AKP’s

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