HSBC Turkey Chief to Stand Trial in April for Erdogan Insult

Source:Yahoo News Date:08Feb2019

Fear of any anti-government protest  reaching the level of paranoia:  HSBC’s Selim Kervanci was being investigated by the prosecutor’s office over a video he retweeted during the so-called Gezi

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Turkey’s Kurds are sacrificing election wins but to what end?

Source:Arab Weekly Date:03Feb2019

Still, given that the race is neck and neck in the big cities and in western Turkey, the opposition is anxious to attract HDP voters. If the main, so-called greater municipalities are won by

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Challenges for AK Party to overcome in March elections

Source:Daily Sabah Date:02Feb2019

We can say that three groups need to be “persuaded” for the upcoming local elections. The first is young voters voting for the first time who have grown up seeing no other party but

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Economic woes set to seal fate of Turkey’s local polls

Source:al Monitor Date:29Jan2019

Quotes two polls, one not made public in Turkey Turkey’s economic turmoil, fueled by a currency crisis amid unprecedented tensions with the United States last summer, has become the No. 1 concern

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Turkey’s election watchdog denies claims over ghost voters for local polls

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:22Jan2019

Turkey’s High Election Board responded to allegations of voter registration fraud:   “Let me give you an example. The number of frozen registration of electorates was only 736 in the

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Turkey’s state of permanent crisis serves Erdogan

Source:The Arab Weekly Date:20Jan2019

In their 2018 book “How Democracies Die,” Harvard professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt noted that “blatant dictatorship — in the form of fascism, communism or military rule — has

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Opposition reports false voter registrations in Turkey

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:18Jan2019

False registration is a sign of how desperate AKP is, which falling behind in polls across the board:   More than 200 voters live in the same apartment in Bingol, a city in eastern Anatolia.

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Why Turkey’s AKP is throwing its weight into local election campaign

Source:Middle East Eye Date:07Jan2019

AKP, which won 42 percent in the June general elections, is somewhat on the defensive. It would like to have a 50 percent share of the votes – something it achieved in Turkey’s presidential

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HDP set to take more districts in March vote

Source:Ahval News Date:02Jan2019

Amidst the paucity of national polls, we report what we can   According to a survey Rawest, a polling firm that focuses on Turkey’s east and southeast, conducted before the announcement of

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Turkey Frees Pastor Andrew Brunson, Easing Tensions With U.S.

Source:New York Times Date:13Oct2018

A small step for Turkey, a big step for Turko-American relations.  Brunson verdict opens a window for sincere dialogue.  The disputes between Turkey and US are not artifical, neither  are they

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