Turkey’s Erdogan Is Losing Support Where He Can Least Afford It

Source:Bloomberg Date:18Dec2021

Tea growers, fishermen, small retailers, café staff and gas-station attendants — some of the typically low-paid, laboring Turks who have formed the backbone of Erdogan’s support over his

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Turkish anger grows as Erdogan’s ‘economic war’ hits cost of living

Source:Financial Times Date:26Nov2021

“I keep asking myself whether the alliance will be able to survive until 2023 given that it’s weakening very rapidly,” said Adar. “What if it suddenly collapses? If the MHP or the security

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Turkish lira sinks to new low as investors warn of ‘vicious cycle’

Source:Financial Times Date:20Nov2021

Investors said there was little prospect of a lasting recovery for the lira unless the central bank could somehow free itself from Erdogan’s unorthodox belief that high interest rates fuelled,

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Turkey Begins Probe Into Twitter Posts Suggesting Erdogan Died

Source:Bloomberg Date:03Nov2021

Police said on Wednesday that “manipulative” messages were posted under the Twitter hashtag #olmus, which means “has apparently died” in Turkish, according to a written statement. Thirty people

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Will the ailing Turkish economy bring Erdogan down?

Source:Financial Times Date:01Nov2021

Wow..the cat is out of the bag. Experts now debate whether Erdogsn can steal the next election. Read what Laura pitel wrote. How many autocrats step down? While the opposition is fizzing with

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Erdogan’s wrath is damaging Turkey

Source:Financial Times Date:27Oct2021

Sure, this diplomatic ceasefire has momentarily halted the collapse of Turkey’s currency. But the lira was already heading speedily south before this sound and fury accelerated it; and Erdogan

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Is Erdogan’s Communications Directorate failing him?

Source:al Monitor Date:24Oct2021

Steven Cook published a piece in Foreign Policy about how Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is too sick to continue his job, discussing who might be the potential replacement. This piece,

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The High Cost of An Unpredictable Turkey

Source:Carnegie International Date:18Oct2021

A masterful analysis of Turkey’s politcial-diplomatic challenges aide from the debate about which side will win next elections. I may not agree with Marc Pierini on several of his points,

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Turkish tycoon calls for economic policy overhaul

Source:Financial Times Date:15Oct2021

As Erdogan’s power wanes, people and instituions are beginning to speak freely about his fatal errors which brought the country to the brink of socio-economic crisis.  This could snowball

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Has Erdogan achieved his goal to build his ‘New Turkey’?

Source:al Monitor Date:17Jul2021

A great article penned by politics and history expert Cengiz Candar how the borted 2016 coup attempt mid-wifed Erdogan’s plans to  switch to a one-man regime.  Yet, his victory came at the

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