Turkey Orders New Election for Istanbul Mayor, in Setback for Opposition

Source:New York Times Date:07May2019

A good background story of how Erdogan changed his mind about Istanbul elections     Mr. Erdogan himself at times seemed to be ready to concede, amid warnings in Turkey and abroad that,

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Turkey: Is mob violence undermining democracy?

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:04May2019

An article which resonates at so many levels. First, it may provide an explanation why CHP might win a re-run of Istanbul election. Secodnly, it offers a background to troubled history of

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New parties forming in Turkey: Babacan versus Davutoğlu

Source:Ahval News Date:02May2019

Reports suggest two former senior figures in Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) are attempting to form new parties. Ahmet Davutoğlu, a former prime minister under President Recep

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In Turkey, Erdogan Is Still Calling All the Shots

Source:Foreign Policy Date:29Apr2019

This is an article, with which I completely disagree.  In my view it perpetues the defeatist view of an all powerful Erdogan holding his and the nation’s destiny in his hands, and his hands

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Erdogan’s Party Is Deeply Divided by Push to Redo Istanbul Election

Source:New York Times Date:27Apr2019

You are as good as your last victory in politics.  AK Party has developed visible fissures.  A re-election can turn them into cracks:   A last-ditch effort by President Recep Tayyip

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Cracks Are Deepening in Erdoğan’s Ruling Party

Source:The Atlantic Date:25Apr2019

These moves have brought already existing divisions and discontent within the AKP to a boiling point. For years, members of the party have privately complained about their frustrations and

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Election setback evokes intra-party challenge to Erdogan

Source:Reuters Date:22Apr2019

Rumors of disgruntled former AKP heavyweights getting ready to stage a rebellion against Erdogan have been circulating for long, only to be dismissed by pro-AKP and opposition media. They are

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How the Khartoum coup will affect Turkey-Sudan relations

Source:Arab News Date:21Apr2019

After the former Egyptian leader Mohammed Morsi, Bashir is the second jailed leader with whom Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) used to maintain close relations. As a result of

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Drive to rerun Istanbul election is a risk for Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Source:Financial Times Date:17Apr2019

Some political analysts think senior AKP figures are serious about wanting a new contest. The opposition claims they are buying time while hiding some of the skeletons that have gathered over 25

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Pelican clique undermines Turkey’s ruling party, seeks Istanbul re-vote

Source:Ahval News Date:12Apr2019

A precious expose of the factions within AKP with focus on  one particularly virulent strain, called the Pelicanists.  A must read for those who need to understand the intricacies of Turkish

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