What to Know About Anti-Syrian Unrest in Turkey

Source:Time Magazine Date:06Jul2024

I’m not a conspiracy  theorist, but there is evidence to believe  that anti-Syrian riots were to some extent provoked:


“There is a well-organized group of people with criminal records who have formed a lynch mob using WhatsApp and Telegram,” Özkizilcik says of the Turkish citizens who were arrested. “Many of the arrested individuals have a history of crimes including sexual assault and illegal migrant smuggling.”




Yet, the conclusion is relevant. If poverty continues to rise,


“Consequently, most Turks believe that Syrians are in Turkey by choice, not necessity. This has created a perception of burden, especially given the rampant inflation in Turkey,” Özkizilcik adds.


Ultimately, Özkizilcik says that if Turkey’s government does not address rising xenophobic rhetoric, while adopting “a coordinated strategy” for the return of some Syrian refugees and the integration of others in Turkey, “we can expect more unrest.”