Who is this crime lord Ayhan Bora Kaplan

Source:Arrested Lawyers Org Date:25May2024

A notorious Mafia boss, Mr Ayhan Bora Kaplan, currfenly  on trial for a serious of felonies from  murder to drug smuggling, has also become a focus of the tag-of-war between AKP and MHP.  Known for his alleged close ties to former Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu, Kaplan’s arrest has exposed a deep-rooted web of corruption, collusion, and power abuse across Turkey’s judiciary, law enforcement and political circles.


In a sense, the question of whether  Erodgna wants to get rid of ally Devlet Bahceli can be redcue to two criminal cases:  Ayhan Bora  Kaplan and the assasination of young nationalist politician Sinan Ates.  If Erdogan directs his Interior Minister, Mr Ali Yerlikaya, and the submissive judicidary to prosecu these cases without prejudice or favor, MHP  is almost certain to be implicated; giving Erdogan the  perfetc cover to end the alliance.


So, who is this Ayhan Bora Kaplan?


Kaplan’s ascent in the criminal underworld began during the 2016 coup attempt when he and his gang took on the streets with automatic rifles and assumed the protection of Süleyman Soylu.


Read on….



Will ABK be prosecuted to the full extent of the law?  Probably not:



The following revelations show that Kaplan would not remain silent. According to several media reports, Kaplan admitted that he bought a luxury car and a villa for then-Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor Yuksel Kocaman (2017-2020) in exchange for dropping investigations against him.

Speaking to Halk TV reporter Seyhan Avsar, Yuksel Kocaman, who is currently a member of Turkey’s Supreme Court of Appeals, admitted that he met with mafia figure Kaplan and that Kaplan asked for his help, that investigations against Kaplan were dropped, but Kocaman claimed that the decisions were based on evidence and denied any wrongdoing.